Our Story
What makes Harper Road Free Will Baptist Church special? It is the caring people God has brought to this ministry. We are a congregation of about 80-90 average attendance. You will not find a friendlier, more loving, compassionate group of believers anywhere. Our church is here to serve through specially designed ministries and church-wide activities throughout the year. It is here where relationships are made and where Christ is magnified. The church was established in September 1962. It endured many hardships during those early years. Most notably was in 1972 when a fire destroyed the original building on Easter Sunday. The members stood firm and rebuilt the church. The church was able to add additional facilities later to give us what we currently enjoy.
Over the years, the church has seen growth to the point that the existing facilities have become crowded. While the sanctuary can accommodate up to 180, our classroom, youth and fellowship hall space is limited. In 2005, God opened the doors to allow Harper Road to purchase 27 acres of property directly behind the church. We have a vision of building new facilities on that property if God permits. While we have grown numerically, and are looking forward to continued growth, both in numbers and in facilities, those are not our main objectives. Our goal and chief end is to give God the glory in every aspect of our lives, and to grow the Kingdom of God, beginning in our local Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and ultimately, to the ends of the earth. Yes we are growing, and we praise God that so many call Harper Road home. We are saving a place for you.

What We Believe
The Bible
The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, and are our infallible rule of faith and practice.
There is one living and true God, revealed in nature as the Creator, Preserver, and Righteous Governor of the universe; and in the Scriptures as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; yet as one God, infinitely wise and good, whom all intelligent creatures are supremely to love, adore, and obey.
Christ is God manifest in the flesh; in His divine nature truly God, in His human nature truly man. The mediator between God and man, once crucified, He is now risen and glorified, and is our ever present Savior and Lord.
Meet Our Staff

Matt Honeycutt

David Milling
Our Missions Efforts

Local Missions
At Harper Road local missions begins with our own families and extends to our neighborhood and then the community. We focus our local missions efforts by participating in annual holiday parades, our growing annual Car Show that brings in hundreds of people to our church grounds where we have opportunities to get to know people personally and in hopes share the gospel with them.
National Missions
We support Free Will Baptist North American Missions financially through quarterly giving, and through prayers for those missionaries.
International Missions
We also partner with IMinc.org by quarterly giving and regularly praying for their efforts around the world.
Missionary Partners
Our Volunteers
We believe God gives every Christian gifts that are to be used to build up (edify & encourage) the church and to help reach those who are without Christ. We have several ways you can use your gifts. Fill out the form below to get started.